Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Me and My Desk Top...

Well, I'm sitting here writing this blog and looking at my messy desk. I can see only about three square inches of actual desk top. Oddly, I can still find what I need, when I need it, but the look of my desk and therefore my office really bothers me. It's not like I've never cleaned it before; I have, but somehow it always ends up like this. All of the important papers (that I consider important anyway) end up on top of the desk. Certainly, some of this could be tossed.

The rest of my house is not messy. I hate a messy kitchen, and make sure I get all of the dirty dishes in the dishwasher before relaxing in front of the t.v. for the evening. I do have a few books scattered around the living room, but not many, so it's pretty organized too. And my bathrooms are clean, sink shiny, bathtub and toilet pretty decent too. When they start looking in the least grim, I have to grab the cleanser and do something about it. I've often thought it would be great to hire a house cleaner to come in once in a while, since vacuuming is one chore I could do without, but I know I would have to vacuum beforehand anyway (can't let anyone see it with cat fur on the rug or crud in the corners). I would hate to have anyone see my closet too, especially before I've done my spring cleaning and bagged the clothes I inevitably give to one of the charities. I usually have a bag or two and one or two of my daughter's bags. She always offers to let me dig through her stuff before giving it away. She has nice taste, and usually gets tired of her clothes long before they wear out.

So, I don't know why I don't clean up my desk more often. It would probably not take that long to organize. I even bought some new folders just for that purpose, plus I have room in a file drawer. Maybe psychologically it feels as if I am accomplishing something with all these papers in front of me, even when deep down I know I'm not.

Hmm, maybe this dissatifaction with my desk top is actually about a deeper issue. Guess I should make the effort to clean it up and see what happens... But maybe not today.

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