Sunday, August 5, 2007

Already August

Summer is going by way too fast. Already it is August and I barely remember July. I am enjoying the new table and chairs out on the deck a lot though. I forgot how much I liked sitting there just outside the kitchen. For several years now since we threw out the old wooden table and bench seats (they rotted and fell apart) the deck has been devoid of a place to sit. I did use the set out on the lawn once in a while, but the mosquitoes would get me in the evening, and it was more of a production to go back and forth. With the table on the deck, I can run out for a few minutes and drink my coffee or tea, then run in again to do something else. It's more like an extension of the kitchen itself. It looks nice from the kitchen too ... kind of invites you to go outside and relax for a minute.

The relaxing part of my life seems to have disappeared lately. Now I have to spend time trying to get the word out about my book. Not that I mind that much. It's just new to me. I try to look at it as a challenge. It's just odd trying to promote my own work. Though I am confident that I wrote a good book, it's wierd to always be doing the "buy my book" or "read my book" thing. It feels so self oriented, and of course it is. It would be easier and far preferable to write books and leave the marketing to someone else, but if I want people to read my books, I can't take a backseat and hope someone else will do all the work for me. If I want people to find me, I have to do the uncomfortable thing and promote ... promote ... promote.

Among other things, I am planning to sign up with a company that does a heavy duty email campaign and use an ad I wrote recently. I hope it will encourage people to buy my book or to at least download the free e-book. It doesn't cost much and is "spamless." I won't be annoying a bunch of people who don't want to receive offers in their email. I'll give it a test run and see how it works. Fortunately, it's a month to month thing, so if I don't get results, I can easily cancel.

I have several other ideas too. I might try a few of those as well, if not now, after I see how this email blitz thing goes. I want to be able to know what works and what doesn't.

If anyone has any great marketing ideas for me, my ears are open. If you can't write me here, use the contact link on my website. I would appreciate any help you might offer.

Thanks, Nancy

Visit my website to read a FREE EXCERPT of my mystery romantic-suspense novel, Her Last Letter.

Books are available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and can be ordered through most bookstores.

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