Friday, February 1, 2008

Book Signing(s)

I'm happy to say I have three book signings coming up soon, two scheduled, and one in the works. One is at the "Little Professor Book Center" in Fenton, MI, and scheduled for Mar. 1st. It should be a big event, since I believe it will involve about six authors, one of them me. I'll be the only one with a mystery romantic suspense novel. I think two of the other authors write children's books, and I'm not sure what the other three write. I should be getting an email soon giving me the information. I'll send it to everyone I think might be interested.

The second signing is more informal, at my local chapter meeting for Romance Writers of America. That is on the third Tuesday in February I believe, the 19th. I and others will be signing during the break before they announce the speaker for the evening. I was told to bring about ten to fifteen books.

The last signing will be at a local Barnes & Noble, still waiting on the date for that one. At this point it looks like I will be by myself. Other than any advertising they might do, a mention in their newsletter possibly (I'll have to ask) the rest will be up to me. I plan to make some posters and flyers, and do everything I can to let people know about the event. I did read that the purpose of book signings is not just to sell books, but to get to know the staff and let them know about you and your book so they will be more inclined to mention your novel to book buyers. That makes sense to me. Since I like talking to people that should be a no brainer. I also plan to wear a pin which has a picture of my book cover and my name on it. Angie will design a nice one for me. B&N suggested I do the signing on a Saturday or Sunday, and that's fine except that a few of those weekends are already taken, especially in February, so it could end up taking place in March. That actually wouldn't be so bad as it would give me more time to promote the event.

I am excited about all three signings, and plan to buy a nice oufit to wear. I'm thinking a brown tweedy sort of suit, with a brown turtle neck shirt, brown hose, and nice shoes ... sort of Sherlock Holmes, but feminine. I may not be able to find what I'm looking for, but I'll know it if I see it.

Visit my website to read a FREE EXCERPT of my mystery romantic-suspense novel, Her Last Letter.

Books are available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and can be ordered through most bookstores.

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