Thursday, May 10, 2007

Press Check

Hi there!
No, this doesn't mean the Press is giving me a check, though I wouldn't mind. Press Check means that before my book is printed, I get one final chance to check the cover as it comes off the press. It was sort of fun, but scary. I stood there with the pressman and the guy handling my account, and watched as my cover came rolling out of the press. I was supposed to look at it and see if the color needed small changes or not. It looked great to me, but they both looked at it and decided the girl on my cover had a little bit too much rouge in her checks. They corrected that and ran two more covers, just to check and make sure everything looked right.

I'd already gone through the process of looking over my proof copy of the book, and a proof of the cover, and was very pleased, but still.... The last thing I want is to have errors in the interior of my book or on the cover, but it's amazing what can be missed! As far as I can see all the pages are there and in the right order. The printer was given a file, so if there are mistakes, more than likely they will be my own. It must be devastating for an author to find errors when it's too late to change them. I looked over another author's new book the other day, and found a mistake on the acknowledgment page, right up front before the book even begins! How sad. I can only hope that at least I've caught any big mistakes. I did change one item on page 194, because even though I checked over my manuscript what felt like a thousand times, I'd left the word hor doerves on two separate lines. Hor was at the end of the first line, and doerves at the beginning of the next. How in the world did I miss that?

I'm not sure if I finished this blog last time, because it appears to end here. ??? I just noticed this now. I only signed on to edit a few mistakes I made. Anyway, it will end here now because I have no idea what I may have written before.... Oh, well. Nancy

Update - Website live as of July 11, 2007

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